Safe Streets

  • A neighborhood street should be pedestrian-friendly: good lighting, wide sidewalk, and houses and stores that provide activity and "eyes on the street."
  • Parallel routes make movement safer. For instance, a bike path along a busy street increases "eyes on the bike path".
  • Marked crosswalks, wide sidewalks, and human-scaled lighting help create places of activity for people to gather.
  • A street with poor lighting or dark areas is not pedestrian-friendly.
  • Sidewalks should be wide enough to allow people to pass freely. Light poles should not get in the way.
  • Bus stops, bicycle racks, and trash receptacles should not block pedestrian movement.
  • Windows on the street improve safety. Blank walls facing the sidewalk makes pedestrians less visible and makes them feel alone.
  • In residential areas, street lighting should also light the sidewalk.
  • Alleys should have narrow entrances to keep through-traffic away.
  • Provide signs to protect children. "Caution Children" signs, sidewalks, and traffic lights on busy streets make them safer.

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