Safe Parks


  • Perceptions of crime and fear of crime are as important as crime rates. People make decisions to use or not to use, as well as how to use, use public parks based on perceptions and fears.
  • Seating areas in downtown parks can be located so they are visible from the street and sidewalks.
  • Spaces that can be viewed from the outside are safer. Observation from neighbors, business owners, and police can reduce illegal activities and conflicts.
  • Park buildings should have clearly marked entries.
  • Children's play areas should be located where houses, pedestrians, and car traffic can observe.
  • Spaces within recreation centers should permit staff to observe multiple spaces at once.
  • Viewing windows allow rec center staff to observe outdoor activities from inside the building. The more people observing, the better.
  • Paths to and from park buildings and parking lots should be open and clearly defined.
  • Seniors and parents with strollers shouldn't have to pass through other activities on their way into a park building.
  • Provide signs to protect children. "Caution Children" signs, sidewalks, and traffic lights on busy streets make them safer.
  • Some park areas cannot be observed or made safe during night hours. Good lighting will show which areas can be safely used at night.

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